WebDataRocks provides users with an extensive JavaScript API for interaction with a pivot table component.
This API reference covers all the details about a component’s objects, methods and events.
Get started with Init API call to embed WebDataRocks into your project.
Cell Data Object | Contains the information about the cell. |
Conditional Format Object | Defines the conditions for cell formatting. |
Data Source Object | Contains the information about the data source. |
Format Object | Defines a custom format for numeric cells. |
Global Object | Contains configurations that will be applied to all reports. |
Options Object | Defines the view and functionality of the pivot table. |
Report Object | Contains all the configurations of the pivot table. |
Slice Object | Contains the information about the hierarchies, filtering, sorting, expands, drills and report filtering. |
collapseAllData | Collapses all nodes and drills up all levels of all hierarchies. |
customizeCell | Allows changing the content and style of separate cells. |
expandAllData | Expands all nodes and drills down all levels of all hierarchies. |
exportTo | Exports the content from the grid to a file of the chosen format. |
getAllConditions | Returns a list of conditional formatting rules from the current report. |
getAllHierarchies | Returns a list of available hierarchies from the current report. |
getAllMeasures | Returns a list of available measures (both active and inactive) from the current report. |
getOptions | Returns an Options Object from a pivot table. |
getReport | Returns a Report Object from a pivot table. |
getCell | Returns information about the cell by its row and column indices. |
getSelectedCell | Returns information about the structure of the cell selected on the grid. |
getData | Returns the data from a pivot table. Use it for integration with 3rd party charting libraries. |
googlecharts.getData | Returns the data from a pivot table and pre-processes it to the appropriate format of a chart. Use this method for integration with Google Charts. |
highcharts.getData | Returns the data from a pivot table and pre-processes it to the appropriate format of a chart. Use this method for integration with Highcharts. |
load | Loads a report JSON file from the specified URL to a pivot table. |
off | Removes event handlers from the events. |
on | Attaches an event handler to the specified event. |
refresh | Redraws a component. Use it to see the applied changes to a report. |
removeSelection | Clears selection from the cells. |
runQuery | Runs a query on a pivot table instance. |
save | Saves all current report configurations to the specified destination. |
setOptions | Sets an Options Object of a pivot table. |
setReport | Sets a Report Object of a pivot table. |
updateData | Connects to a new data source dynamically without changing report’s configurations. |
beforetoolbarcreated | Triggered before the Toolbar initialization. Use it to override the appearance and functionality of the Toolbar. |
cellclick | Triggered once a user clicks the cell on the grid. |
celldoubleclick | Triggered once a user double clicks the cell on the grid. |
dataloaded | Triggered when the data is loaded into the pivot table. |
reportchange | Triggered when a report is changed in a component. |
reportcomplete | Triggered when a report and a localization file are successfully loaded into a pivot table. |
update | Triggered when the changes are applied to a pivot table. |