Hi, webdatarocks team!
Is it possible to integrated with Vue?
If yes, can you guys point to any example?
Hello, Zaihzhang,
Thank you for your question.
We kindly recommend following the instruction below to set up a vue-cli
application with WebDataRocks embedded:
npm install -g @vue/cli
vue create my-project
cd my-project
npm i webdatarocks --save
and create a container for the future pivot table:<div id="pivot-container">The component will appear here</div>
section in case you need the toolbar:<script src="https://cdn.webdatarocks.com/latest/webdatarocks.toolbar.min.js"></script>Start your code here
tag starting as import HelloWorld from ‘./components/HelloWorld.vue’ and embed WebDataRocks:
import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue'
export default { name: 'app', components: { HelloWorld }}
import WebDataRocks from 'webdatarocks';
import 'webdatarocks/webdatarocks.min.css';
new WebDataRocks({
container: "#pivot-container",
toolbar: true
file inside the folder containing your project, run commands which you will find there. Usually to setup and compile the project to see the result you have to run the following commands:npm install
npm run serve
We hope it helps.
Feel free to contact us in case of questions occurs.
Kind Regards,
WebDataRocks Team