I just want to display columns name and its data (like plain data table) without doing any calculation for total etc. How can i do it , below is the example of the json data getting from response.
Where do I need to provide the columns name to display in pivot table.
“data”: [
“orgInfo”: “Dummy Org Info (ZUUUU385T)”,
“faInfo”: “Dummy FA Info (FAU487585)”,
“faCurrency”: “USD (United States dollar)”,
“clientId”: “Dummy Client ID”,
“userId”: “User Info NOT Available”,
“pobPguid”: “User POB Info NOT Available”,
“masterFeature”: “Dummy Master Feature”,
“eventDate”: “19-NOV-18”,
“activityDesc”: “Dummy Activity Desc”,
“typeOfCharge”: “ACCESS CHARGE”,
“eventDesc”: ” ()”,
“quantity”: 6,
“grossAmount”: 474
Hi Mukesh!
Please take a look at this video: https://www.screencast.com/t/fVxPgErD
Does it help?
WedDataRocks Team