About the datetime


Good day to you, i have a json result data on my webdatarocks but my datetime field, its value is “/Date(1418572800000)/” on this format. What do i do to fix this?

1 answer

WebDataRocks Team WebDataRocks May 28, 2019

Hello, Luis,
Thank you for your question.
Please note that the input values of dates have to be compliant with ISO 8601 (please see the following link: https://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime ) – The International Standard for the representation of dates and time. It means that if the field’s date value is formatted according to this standard, the correct interpretation and processing of such fields are guaranteed.
For example, “2018-01-10” (date) or “2018-01-10T08:14:00” (date and time).
Here is a link to our data types in JSON guide for more details: https://www.webdatarocks.com/doc/data-types-in-json/
Best Regards,
WebDataRocks Team