Feature | Availability |
– Grid | |
Virtual grid that ensures smooth rendering and scrolling the rows | |
Sort the members of the rows and columns | |
Sort by values | |
Drag and drop the hierarchies on the grid | |
Drill through the cells | |
Drill the hierarchies up and down | |
Expand and collapse the hierarchies on the grid | |
Resize the rows and columns on the grid | |
Grand totals and subtotals | |
Compact pivot table | |
Classic pivot table | |
Flat table | |
Add multiple fields to the rows | |
Add multiple fields to the columns | |
Add multiple fields to the measures | |
Create multilevel hierarchies | |
Select the string field as a measure (with count or distinctcount aggregation applied) |
Select cells | |
Copy selected cells | |
Keyboard shortcuts to navigate on the grid | |
Highlight the rows and columns via the conditional formatting | |
– Filter | |
Filter by members using the checkbox | |
Filtering by members using the search input box | |
Filtering by value (Top X records) | |
Filtering by value (Bottom X records) | |
Report filters | |
– Fields | |
Adding and editing calculated values via UI | |
Dragging fields in the Field List | |
Displaying hierarchy levels in the Field List | |
The Expand All option in the Field List | |
The Field List in the drill-through pop-up window | |
– Aggregation functions | |
“sum” | |
“count” | |
“distinctcount” | |
“average” | |
“median” | |
“product” | |
“min” | |
“max” | |
“percent” | |
“percentofcolumn” | |
“percentofrow” | |
“index” | |
“difference” | |
“%difference” | |
“stdevp” (Population Standard Deviation) | |
“stdevs” (Sample Standard Deviation) | |
“runningtotals” | |
– The Toolbar | |
Save a report | |
Open a report | |
Conditional formatting | |
Number formatting | |
Connect to a CSV data source | |
Connect to a JSON data source | |
Full-screen mode | |
– Export | |
Print reports | |
Export reports to HTML | |
Export reports to MS Excel | |
Export reports to PDF | |
Add custom headers and footers (PDF, HTML) | |
Add custom sheet names (Excel) | |
– Options | |
Language localization | |
Apply a pre-defined report theme | |
Date and time patterns | |
– Integration with charting libraries | |
amCharts | |
Highcharts | |
Google Charts | |
FusionCharts | |
Any charting library | |
– Integration with frameworks and web technologies | |
Angular 5+ | |
React | |
Vue | |
Django | |
Jupyter | |
AngularJS | |
jQuery |
Feature | Availability |
– General options | |
Show or hide the Toolbar | |
Show or hide the Field List | |
Open or close the Field List via UI or API | |
Show or hide the aggregation selection control in the Field List | |
Show or hide the “Add calculated value” control in the Field List | |
Enable or disable the drill-through feature | |
Configure a slice in the drill-through pop-up window | |
Show or hide the Field List in the drill-through pop-up window | |
Show or hide the sorting controls | |
Enable a default slice for the component | |
Set a default sorting type for the hierarchy members: “asc”, “desc” or “unsorted” | |
Change the aggregation labels via localization | |
Define data types in CSV | |
Define data types in JSON | |
Different field separators for CSV | |
Set global options for all reports | |
Customize the Toolbar | |
Define custom report themes | |
Customize the context menu | |
Expand or collapse all hierarchy members via API | |
– Grid options | |
Set the grid form. Possible values are: “compact”, “classic”, “flat” | |
Set the grid title | |
Show or hide the filtering controls | |
Show or hide spreadsheet headers | |
Show or hide subtotals | |
Show or hide grand totals in the rows and/or columns | |
Show or hide the hierarchy captions | |
Show or hide report filters on the grid |