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Pivot Tables: The Ultimate Guide

Pivot tables are powerful tools for data analysis and visualization. They allow you to summarize, filter, sort, and present large amounts of data in a simple and interactive way. But what is a pivot table exactly? How does it work? And why should you use it for your business reporting?


Open Source Software & Startups: How You Can Grow Your Business at Reduced Cost

Many believe that open source software gives companies a competitive advantage, and they are not wrong! Open source tech has a ton of benefits, especially for emerging businesses that are just entering the market. In addition to the advantages of open source, startups can also leverage data protection in the cloud to enhance their growth […]


Best Programming Languages & Frameworks For Fintech Apps

As soon as we navigate towards the bright digital era, we seem to be more and more getting acquainted with computing devices and their programming. For those who still don’t get it, think of programming as cooking your favorite recipe with a list of all the necessary requirements and ingredients. However, programming is way more […]


.NET Development in the Backend – What’s the Best Option for the Front-End 

Backend frameworks are essential for making application development more efficient and practical. Most developers, as well as the clients for whom they produce apps, need help with selecting a supported framework. For a long time, .NET has been the go-to platform for developing essential pieces of apps.  Also, front-end frameworks are the ground-breaking building pieces […]


Online Reporting: Top Free web-based Pivot Grids that developers will love

The list of best pivot table libraries in 2023


What emerging technologies are shaping the future of software development in 2023?

The future of software development is already here! Software development processes, the tools thereby are rapidly advancing to make technology accessible and easy to use for one and all. At the same time programming languages are introducing innovation and functionality for developers to make the most of. These possibilities are opening up exciting and novel […]


How Can Flutter Unlock The Door Of Success For Businesses?

In this day and age, staying competitive in the business world can be a challenge. Utilizing the latest technologies is a key factor in achieving success. Flutter app development services offer businesses an efficient and cost-effective way to build apps that will help them stay ahead of the curve. By utilizing the power of Flutter, […]


The Future of Data Visualization: Predictions and Trends for 2023 and Beyond

Have you ever found yourself staring at a massive spreadsheet, feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where even to begin? I certainly have. As someone who works with data, I know the importance of interpreting it accurately. However, the sheer amount of data can be daunting. That’s where data visualization comes in. Data visualization is the […]


9 Tips to Ensure a Successful Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse is a single repository to store all the data from an organization’s databases and related sources in one place. All the forms of structured and unstructured data in different formats and visualizations are extracted from the organization and transformed. Depending upon an organization’s approach, data could be transformed before or after loading into […]


WebDataRocks Pivot Grid for Flutter: Integration Guide

Great news! WebDataRocks pivot is available for Flutter Of course, we could not walk by the latest technological novelty for passionate developers.  We are glad to present a new WebDataRocks Pivot Grid integration with Flutter. What is Flutter? Flutter is known to be the most solid cross-platform application development instrument. High performance and development speed […]
